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Our dogs are not for sport. They are trained in the real world to be street smart. They fight for real if provoked. If an assailant has a weapon they are trained to neutralize that threat immediately and immobilize the attacker. Our dogs have the capacity and training to carry out the mission at hand without hesitation. A dog From Tactical K9 Services is trained around live gun fire, smoke, fire and water. They can climb ladders jump from roof tops, and deploy in or out of a moving automobile. We train for real life threatening situations on the street, in the home and at the office. We train for the day you are faced with a serious threat and hope that day never comes. However, if attacked your Tactical K9 will be ready to respond.

We never practice silly sporting games like you sometimes see our competitors practicing, where the dog bites a sleeve on an otherwise unprotected agitator. The dog must be a working, fighting, thinking, well trained machine to be effective in a real attack.

Our dogs are the reliable, trust worthy, and loyal.


Please contact us for any suggestions or information

USA 888-724-4441 @ Costa Rica +(506) 8826-7580

© 2010 - 2023 Tactical K9 Services S.A.