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>>> Trained Dogs for Sale <<<

Personal protection Dogs.

These dogs make the perfect companion for individuals and families who want a personal bodyguard at their side 24 hours per day. These dogs can travel with you anywhere. They are stable, alert and completely trained.

They range in price from $ 9,500 to $ 15,000

Detection Dogs

These dogs are trained in the detection of either Drugs or Explosives and firearms. These dogs have been tested and proven under all conditions. They are very serious, intelligent and stable.

They range in price from $10,500 to $ 25,000

Tracking Dogs

These dogs have been trained in tracking both hostile and friendly subjects. These dogs have numerous tracks under all types of conditions proving themselves to be some of the best in the world. You can be confident they will find the subject if he is still in the area.

They range in price from $ 8,000 to $ 15,000

Patrol Dogs

These dogs have been trained for Security and police work. These dogs are trained to protect and defend the Police officer or handler.  They are trained in fighting techniques to defend against a knife, a gun, a club, or any other lethal object. They will alert the officer of pending danger and defend him until the end. They can do building searches and deploy in or out of Vehicles or buildings. They are trained around live gun fire, smoke, water, and Fire. They will never leave you standing alone.

They range in price from $10,500 to $ 15,000

Dual Purpose Patrol Dogs

These special dogs have Multiple talents making them the most powerful of all tools available to police and private security. They are trained as detection dogs in either Explosive scents or Drug scents. They also have the ability to effectively track down a suspect. They will go into protection mode to defend and protect the officer or handler from an armed assailant. These powerful intelligent dogs can do it all.

They range in price from $ 12,500 to $ $ 20,000

Other trained dogs

Tactical K9 Services offers personalized training packages for specific needs. If you need a dog trained to detect a specific scent we may be able to help you. Please feel free to contact us. The list includes Medical detection dogs, assist dogs and specialty scent detection.


Please contact us for any suggestions or information

USA 888-724-4441 @ Costa Rica +(506) 8826-7580

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